Connect to Google Sheets

Connect to Google Sheets

Connect to Google Sheets

Chat with your Google Sheets spreadsheets

Chat with your Google Sheets spreadsheets

Select any Google Sheets spreadsheet, so you can analyze, visualize, generated advanced models and more - powered by AI!

Select any Google Sheets spreadsheet, so you can analyze, visualize, generated advanced models and more - powered by AI!

Select Google Sheets

Select Google Sheets among the various data connectors

Select your spreadsheet

Share your Google Sheet link and select the desired spreadsheet

Chat with data

Ask questions related to your data to generate insights, charts & more!


Crunch the numbers to see if it’s worth it!

Tip: Your yearly salary divided by 2,080
Formula Bot only costs
your cost of time spent is...

Ready to get started?

Revolutionize the way you work with data and spreadsheets.

Formula Bor Mascot


Crunch the numbers to see if it’s worth it!

Tip: Your yearly salary divided by 2,080
Formula Bot only costs
your cost of time spent is...

Ready to get started?

Revolutionize the way you work with data and spreadsheets.

Formula Bor Mascot


Crunch the numbers to see if

it’s worth it!

Tip: Your yearly salary divided by 2,080
Formula Bot only costs
your cost of time spent is...

Ready to get started?

Revolutionize the way you work with data and spreadsheets.


Crunch the numbers to see if it’s worth it!

Tip: Your yearly salary divided by 2,080
Formula Bot only costs
your cost of time spent is...

Ready to get started?

Revolutionize the way you work with data and spreadsheets.

Formula Bor Mascot


Crunch the numbers to see if it’s worth it!

Tip: Your yearly salary divided by 2,080
Formula Bot only costs
your cost of time spent is...

Ready to get started?

Revolutionize the way you work with data and spreadsheets.

Formula Bor Mascot