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Convert your text into

excel formulas

Convert your text into

excel formulas

Convert your text into

excel formulas

Explore, analyze, visualize. The all-in-one, data analysis platform.

Explore, analyze, visualize. The all-in-one, data analysis platform.

by 800K+ users worldwide

by 800K+ users worldwide

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Trusted by Fortune 500, Government and Small & Medium-Sized Businesses

Trusted by Fortune 500, Government and Small & Medium-Sized Businesses

Trusted by Fortune 500, Government and Small & Medium-Sized Businesses

Trusted by Fortune 500, Government and Small & Medium-Sized Businesses


Convert your text into spreadsheet formulas, code and more

Convert your text into spreadsheet formulas, code and more

Excel formulas, SQL queries, VBA, Google Apps Scripts, regex and more

Excel formulas, SQL queries, VBA, Google Apps Scripts, regex and more

Excel Formula Generator

Generate or receive explanations for formulas in Excel and Google Sheets directly in your spreadsheets

SQL Query Generator

Create SQL queries or get clarifications for any database syntax.

Text to Excel Converter

Convert your PDF or text into a spreadsheet.

=SUMIFS(B:B, A:A, "marketing", C:C, TODAY())

Sum column B when when column A equals the word “marketing” and column C is today’s date.

Excel Formula Generator

Generate or receive explanations for formulas in Excel and Google Sheets directly in your spreadsheets

SQL Query Generator

Create SQL queries or get clarifications for any database syntax.

Text to Excel Converter

Convert your PDF or text into a spreadsheet.

=SUMIFS(B:B, A:A, "marketing", C:C, TODAY())

Sum column B when when column A equals the word “marketing” and column C is today’s date.

Excel Formula Generator

Generate or receive explanations for formulas in Excel and Google Sheets.

SQL Query Generator

Create SQL queries or get clarifications for any database syntax.

Text to Excel Converter

Convert your PDF or text into a spreadsheet.

Excel Formula Generator

Generate or receive explanations for formulas in Excel and Google Sheets.

=SUMIFS(B:B, A:A, "marketing", C:C, TODAY())

Sum column B when when column A equals the word “marketing” and column C is today’s date.


Analyze your data through a simple conversation

Analyze your data through a simple conversation

Simply type your question and AI will generate insights, charts, tables and more.

Simply type your question and AI will generate insights, charts, tables and more.

Add your data

Upload, connect and combine your data across multiple data sources.

Chat with your data

Translate text into charts, analysis, tables, advanced models and more. No coding needed!

Add your data

Upload, connect and combine your data across multiple data sources.

Chat with your data

Translate text into charts, analysis, tables, advanced models and more. No coding needed!

Add your data

Upload, connect and combine your data across multiple data sources.

Chat with your data

Translate text into charts, analysis, tables, advanced models and more. No coding needed!

Add your data

Upload, connect and combine your data across multiple data sources.

ai in spreadsheets

Automate boring tasks with the help of AI in your spreadsheets

Automate boring tasks with the help of AI in your spreadsheets

It's like have ChatGPT directly inside your spreadsheets

It's like have ChatGPT directly inside your spreadsheets

Sentiment Analysis

Categorizing the sentiment of text, like product reviews or social media comments

Text Classification

Classify information into their own respective groups for more organized & structured data


Generate anything you can think of, from writing a blog post to generating code

Elon Musk

Augmented reality is amazing

Looking to hire VP for Tesla

Not great experience with Vpay

I like automotive industry

ChatGPT is taking away jobs






Here you go!

What's the sentiment of these tweets?

Sentiment Analysis

Categorizing the sentiment of text, like product reviews or social media comments

Text Classification

Classify information into their own respective groups for more organized & structured data


Generate anything you can think of, from writing a blog post to generating code

Elon Musk

Augmented reality is amazing

Looking to hire VP for Tesla

Not great experience with Vpay

I like automotive industry

ChatGPT is taking away jobs






Here you go!

What's the sentiment of these tweets?

Sentiment Analysis

Categorizing the sentiment of text, like product reviews or social media comments

Text Classification

Classify information into their own respective groups for more organized & structured data


Generate anything you can think of, from writing a blog post to generating code

Sentiment Analysis

Categorizing the sentiment of text, like product reviews or social media comments

Elon Musk

Augmented reality is amazing

Looking to hire VP for Tesla

Not great experience with Vpay

I like automotive industry

ChatGPT is taking away jobs






Here you go!

What's the sentiment of these tweets?


Hear what others have to say!

  • Game-changer for Excel: Free AI bot creates any Excel formula you…

    …a free AI bot aims to remove some of the mystery involved in building a spreadsheet in Excel.



    So you need to use @msexcel for work or school, but you're struggling with those complex formulas. 😵‍💫

    Meet the bot that will make your life easier. #ExcelTips #MicrosoftExcel

    Kim Komando


    Check out this amazing #Excel Formula Bot from David Bressler.

    You type a sentence and it proposes a valid Excel formula. It works amazingly well.

    Bill Jelen

    @Mr. Excel

    Still writing formulas? You won't be soon.

    Excel Formula Bot is a free AI-based generator that converts your plain English (or Spanish) instruction(s) into a formula.

    Andrew Moss



Hear what others have to say!

  • Game-changer for Excel: Free AI bot creates any Excel formula you…

    …a free AI bot aims to remove some of the mystery involved in building a spreadsheet in Excel.



    So you need to use @msexcel for work or school, but you're struggling with those complex formulas. 😵‍💫

    Meet the bot that will make your life easier. #ExcelTips #MicrosoftExcel

    Kim Komando


    Check out this amazing #Excel Formula Bot from David Bressler.

    You type a sentence and it proposes a valid Excel formula. It works amazingly well.

    Bill Jelen

    @Mr. Excel

    Still writing formulas? You won't be soon.

    Excel Formula Bot is a free AI-based generator that converts your plain English (or Spanish) instruction(s) into a formula.

    Andrew Moss



Hear what others have to say!

  • Game-changer for Excel: Free AI bot creates any Excel formula you…

    …a free AI bot aims to remove some of the mystery involved in building a spreadsheet in Excel.



    So you need to use @msexcel for work or school, but you're struggling with those complex formulas. 😵‍💫

    Meet the bot that will make your life easier. #ExcelTips #MicrosoftExcel

    Kim Komando


    Check out this amazing #Excel Formula Bot from David Bressler.

    You type a sentence and it proposes a valid Excel formula. It works amazingly well.

    Bill Jelen

    @Mr. Excel

    Still writing formulas? You won't be soon.

    Excel Formula Bot is a free AI-based generator that converts your plain English (or Spanish) instruction(s) into a formula.

    Andrew Moss



What does Formula Bot do?

Formula Bot started as a simple Excel AI Formula Generator, but evolved into an AI Data Analyst, which helps users convert text into formulas, analysis, data visualizations, advanced data models and more.

What does an Excel AI Formula Generator do?

Does the AI formula generator and other tools support multiple languages?

Can I customize the AI formula generator and other tools?

It says "free." Is that right?

What is your refund policy?


What does Formula Bot do?

Formula Bot started as a simple Excel AI Formula Generator, but evolved into an AI Data Analyst, which helps users convert text into formulas, analysis, data visualizations, advanced data models and more.

What does an Excel AI Formula Generator do?

Does the AI formula generator and other tools support multiple languages?

Can I customize the AI formula generator and other tools?

It says "free." Is that right?

What is your refund policy?


Ready to get started?

Revolutionize the way you work with data and spreadsheets.

Formula Bor Mascot

Ready to get started?

Revolutionize the way you work with data and spreadsheets.

Formula Bor Mascot

Ready to get started?

Revolutionize the way you work with data and spreadsheets.